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EDG CACG Agendas


(meetings from our sister PMAs are available at: the TAGPMA conference site and the APGridPMA F2F meeting site)

Date Location Details
May 2025 Prague, Czech Republic
kindly hosted by Jiri Chuboda (Institute of Physics) and Daniel Kouril (CESNET)
14-16 May, 2025
February 2025 Geneva (CERN), Switzerland
kindly hosted by Hannah Short at CERN
February 5-7, 2025
September 2024 Amsterdam, Netherlands
kindly hosted by Maarten Kremers and SURF
September 23-24, 2024
May 2024 Abingdon, United Kingdom
kindly hosted by David Kelsey and David Crooks
May 29-30, 2024
January 2024 Copenhagen, Denmark
kindly hosted by Anders Waananen and the Niels Bohr Institutet
January 29, 2023
Followed by FIM4R and the TIIME Unconference
October 2023 Abingdon, United Kingdom
kindly hosted by David Kelsey and David Crooks
October 4-5, 2023
May 2023 Amsterdam, Netherlands
kindly hosted by Maarten Kremers and SURF
May 22-23, 2023
February 2023 Geneva, Switzerland
kindly hosted by Hannah Short and CERN
February 13-16, 2023
followed by FIM4R on February 15-16
October 2022 Geneva, Switzerland
kindly hosted by Hannah Short and CERN
October 4-6, 2022
May 2022 Garching bei Muenchen
kindly hosted by Jule Ziegler and the LRZ Leibniz Rechenzentrum
May 23-25, 2022
January 2022 Virtual (again)
kindly hosted by Nikhef VideoServices
January 25-27, 2022
September 2021 Virtual (for now)
kindly hosted by Nikhef VideoServices
September 28-30, 2021
June 2021 Fully Virtual
kindly hosted by Nikhef
June 7-9, 2021
February 2021 Fully Virtual
kindly hosted by Nikhef
February 8-10, 2021
September 2020 Amsterdam, NL
kindly hosted by Nikhef and the Dutch National e-Infrastructure coordinated by SURF
Monday Sept 7 - Wednesday May 9, 2020 (till lunch)
potentially followed by the EOSChub ISM and EGI CSIRT meeting
May 2020 Telemeeting
kindly hosted by you
Wednesday May 13 - Friday May 15, 2020; till lunch
January 2020 Prague, CZ
kindly hosted by CESNET
Wednesday 22 - Friday 24 January, 2020; till lunch
September 2019 Karlsruhe, DE
kindly hosted by SCC-KIT
Monday 23 - Wednesday 25 September, 2019; till lunch
May 2019 Utrecht, NL
kindly hosted by SURFnet
Monday 20 - Wednesday 22 May, 2019; lunch till lunch
January 2019 Geneva, CH
kindly hosted by CERN
Monday 21 - Wednesday 23 January, 2019; lunch till lunch
September 2018 Toulouse, FR
kindly hosted by Plateforme Nationale de Confiance Numérique and Grid-FR
Monday 24 - Wednesday 26 September, 2018; lunch till lunch
May 2018 Karlsruhe, DE
kindly hosted by SSC/KIT
Wednesday 23 - Friday 25 May, 2018; lunch till lunch
January 2018 Prague, CZ
kindly hosted by CESNET
Monday 22 (13.00) - Wednesday 24, January 2018
September 2017 Manchester, UK
kindly hosted by Jisc
Monday 25 (13.00) - Wednesday 27, September 2017
May 2017 Ljubljana, SI
kindly hosted by the Josef Stefan Institute
Monday 22 (13.00) - Wednesday 24, May 2017
January 2017 Florance, IT
kindly hosted by INFN
Monday 30th January - Wednesday 1st Feb, 2017
September 2016 Geneva, CH
kindly hosted by CERN
Monday 19 - Wednesday 21, September 2016
May 2016 Abingdon, UK
kindly hosted by RAL STFC
Monday 9 - Wednesday 11, 2016
January 2016 Bratislava, SK
hosted by the Slovak Acadmy of Sciences
Monday January 18 - Wednesday 20th
September 2015 Amsterdam, The Netherlands
hosted by Nikhef at the Amsterdam Science Park
Monday September 7 - Wednesday 9th
May 2015 Copenhagen, DK
kindly hosted by the Nils Bohr Institute (KU) and NorduGrid CA
Monday May 11 - Wednesday 13th
January 2015 Berlin, DE
kindly hosted by DFN Verein and DFN-CERT GmbH
Monday January 12 - Wednesday 14th
SCI meeting (tentative) Wed 14 - Thu 15
September 2014 Poznan, PL
kindly hosted by PSNC
Monday September 8 - Wednesday 10th
May 2014 Tartu, Estonia
hosted by HITSA and EEnet
Wed 14 - Thu 15 May 2014
January 2014 Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK
hosted by RAL STFC
Monday 13 - Wed 15 January 2014, with SCI meeting on 15th and 16th
September 2013 Bucharest, Romania
hosted by ROSA
Monday 9 - Wed 11 September 2013
May 2013 Kyiv, Ukraine
hosted by UGrid
Monday 13 - Wed 15 May 2013
January 2013 Rome, IT
hosted by CASPUR and GARR
Monday 14 - Wed 16 January 2013
September 2012 Lyon, France
hosted by the RENATER
Monday 10 - Wed 12, September 2012
May 2012 Karlsruhe, Germany
hosted by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Monday 7 - 9 May 2012 (IGTF) and Thursday 10 and 11 (SCI meeting)
This meeting is also the 3rd IGTF All Hands meeting, and is followed by the Security in Collaborating Infrastructures (SCI) meeting.
January 2012 Ljubljana, Slovenia
hosted by the Josef Stefan Institute
Monday 16 - 18 January 2012
September 2011 Marrakesh, Morocco
hosted by MA-GRID and CNRST
Monday 12 - Wednesday 14 September 2011
May 2011 Prague, Czech Republic
hosted by CESNET
Wednesday 11 - Friday 13 May 2011 (followed by REFEDs and TNC2011)
March 2011 Taipei, TW
Co-located with OGF 31 and ISGC2011
Monday March 21 - Tuesday 22 March 2011 (OGF+ISGC: until Friday 25th)
January 2011 Utrecht, The Netherlands
hosted by SURFnet
Monday January 24 - Wednesday 26, 2011
Minutes day 1, Minutes day 2, assorted notes.
September 2010 Zagreb, HR
hosted by SRCE
Monday September 20 - Wednesday 22, 2010
Minutes day 1, Minutes day 2, and assorted notes.
April 2010 Riga, LV
hosted by SigmaNet
Mon 19 - 21 April 2010
January 2010 Dublin, IE
hosted by TCD
Mon 18 - 20 January 2010
Agenda and materials and minutes.
October 2009 Banff, Alberta, CA
hosted by OGF27
October 12-16: OGF27, and October 16-17: IGTF All Hands (tentative)
September 2009 Berlin, DE
hosted by DFN
Monday 14 - 16 September 2009
May 2009 Zurich, CH
hosted by SWITCH
Monday 11 - 13 May 2009
January 2009 Nicosia, CY
hosted by CyGrid
Monday 26-28 January, 2009
Agenda and material, and minutes
September 2008 Lisbon, PT
hosted by LIP
October 6-8, 2008
Agenda and material, and minutes
May 2008 Copenhagen, DK
hosted by NBI
May 26-28, 2008
Indico Agenda (minutes on the details page)
January 2008 Amsterdam, NL
hosted by Nikhef
Mon 14 - Wed 16 January 2008
Agenda (minutes on the details page)
September 2007 Thessaloniki, GR, hosted by GridAUTH Wed 19 - Fri 21 September 2007
May 2007 Bogazici University, Istanbul, TR, hosted by ULAKBIM Wed, May 30 - Fri, June 1st, 2007
January 2007 Coseners House, Abbington, UK, hosted by RAL/CCLRC Mon 15 afternoon - Wed 17 January, 2007
October 2006 Karlsruhe, Germany Thursday, Oct 5, 9:00 - Friday, Oct 6, 17:00 2006
CDS Agenda.
Minutes: minutes-2006-10-05-AW.txt, minutes-2006-10-05-EO.txt, minutes-2006-10-06-afternoon-HT.txt (last afternoon).
May 2006 Budapest, Hungary Wednesday, May 31, 9:00 - Friday, June 2, 13:00 2006
CDS Agenda and minutes.
January 2006 Vienna, Austria Agenda
Minutes Wednesday and Thursday and from Friday morning
September 2005 Poznan, Poland Agenda (CDS) also in in PDF format
Minutes: minutes by Lauri Anton and brief notes by David Kelsey.
June 2006 (IGTF) Chicago, IL, USA GGF14
May 2005 Tallinn, Estonia CDS Agenda
Summary of accreditation decisions; minutes by Licia Florio; minutes of Friday morning by Tony Genovese
March 2005 (IGTF) Seoul, GGF Venue Agenda
January 2005 CNRS Marseille, France (CDS Agenda)
Minutes (David O Callaghan): Wednesday (html,text) Thursday (html,text) Friday (html,text)
Minutes Wednesday by Licia Florio
September 2004 ULB, Brussels, BE (CDS Agenda)
Minutes of the 2-day meeting
Minutes of September 24th, after 1500 hrs
April 2004 INFN Firenze, Florence Agenda (also in CDS)
Minutes by David O'Callaghan and by Mike Helm (also in MS Word format).
List of registred participants.
December 2003 Trinity College, Dublin, IE Agenda (also in CDS)
June 2003 CERN, Geneva, CH Agenda (also in CDS)
December 2002 CERN, Geneva, CH Agenda (and in CDS at CERN) Minutes also in MS Word format
June 2002 CESNET, Prague, CZ Agenda (as text)
March 2002 EDG Project Conference, Paris, FR Agenda
December 2001 CERN, Geneva, CH Agenda
August 2001 NIKHEF, Amsterdam, NL Agenda
June 2001 CERN, Geneva, CH Agenda
March 2001 CERN, Geneva, CH Agenda
December 2000 CERN, Geneva, CH Agenda
Minutes and summary

Comments to David Groep.