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Copenhagen Meeting
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13th EUGridPMA Meeting, Copenhagen, DK

The 13th EUGridPMA meeting will take place in Copenhagen from Monday May 26th till the 28st, 2008 and is gratiously hosted by the NorduGrid CA and the Niels Bohr Institute. The meeting is co-sponsored by the NDGF.

Notice: attendence to the meeting is restricted to members of the EUGridPMA, APGridPMA and TAGPMA, and to those that have started their accreditation process. Otherwise, attendance is by invitation only.

WhenMonday May 26 , 09:15 till Wednesday 28st, 15:30, 2008
WhereNiels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, DK
RegistrationRequired via this web page**
(**) Only members of a PMA and confirmed applicants can register, others should send a request to the chair.

Date and times are fixed, so your travel planning can start. For hotel information and more please look here.

Getting There

The meeting will take place at the Niels Bohr Institute (NBI) at the Blegdamsvej 17, 2100 Copenhagen. An area map in English is available online. From the recommended hotel it is a 2.3 km walk to the Institute. A Google Earth view of the route is here.
The meeting room location will be signposted once you arrive at the Niels Bohr Institute.

Minutes of the meeting

Related material

Comments to David Groep.