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Zurich Meeting
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16th EUGridPMA Meeting, Zurich, CH

The 16th EUGridPMA meeting will take place in Zurich from Monday May 11 till the 13st, 2009 and is gratiously hosted by SWITCH.

Notice: attendence to the meeting is restricted to members of the EUGridPMA, APGridPMA and TAGPMA, and to those that have started their accreditation process. Otherwise, attendance is by invitation only.

WhenMonday May 11 , 09:15 till Wednesday 13st, 15:00, 2009
WhereSWITCH offices, Zurich, CH
Registrationvia the web**
(**) Only members of a PMA and confirmed applicants can register, others should send a request to the chair.

Meeting information


MCU reservation (video conference):
    Event name:       EUGridPMA  
    Start date/time:  Mon, 2009-05-11 08:55  (Swiss local time)
                      Mon, 2009-05-11 06:55  (UTC)
    Duration:         09:00 h
    Repetitions:      Daily interval
                      - Tue, 2009-05-12 08:55 (Swiss local time)
                      - Wed, 2009-05-13 08:55 (Swiss local time)

    PIN code:         1234

    H.323 (IP)   conference dialin:  0041 44 250 96 66
    H.320 (ISDN) conference dialin:   +41 44 250 96 66
    SIP (IP)     conference dialin:  66@mcu.switch.ch

    Monitoring link:

  - H.323 (IP) conference dialin:
    Participants being part of the Global Dialing Scheme (GDS) use
    this number to dial into the conference. Other H.323 participants
    are allowed to register with the SWITCH gatekeeper.
  - H.320 (ISDN) conference dialin:
    H.320 participants use this number to dial into the conference
    (bonding of up to 6 B-channels is supported).
    The same number can be used to dialin with a normal telephone
    (audio only).
  - If an H.323 (IP) participant is not able to join the conference,
    he can use any phone to call the H.320 (ISDN) dialin number.

Minutes of the meeting

Related material

Comments to David Groep.