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Riga 2010 Meeting
Riga 2010
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19th EUGridPMA Meeting, Riga, LV

The 19th EUGridPMA meeting will take place in Riga, Latvia, from Monday April 19 till Wednesday the 21th, 2010 and is gratiously hosted by Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science.

Notice: attendence to the meeting is restricted to members of the EUGridPMA, APGridPMA and TAGPMA, and to those that have started their accreditation process. Otherwise, attendance is by invitation only.

WhenMonday April 19 , 09:15 till Wednesday 21th, 16:00, 2010
WhereInstitute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Riga, Latvia
RegistrationRequired via this web page**
(**) Only members of a PMA and confirmed applicants can register, others should send a request to the chair.

Meeting information

The EUGridPMA meeting is working based on an alternative agenda. Relevant presentations can be found on the original on-line agenda, but the schedule is communicated via the Adobe Connect workspace gratiously provided by DFN, and by email.
To connect to the Workspace, go to http://webconf.vc.dfn.de/r88168684 and provide your name.

Minutes of the meeting


Primary means of communication that works seems to be EVO. The
meeting is called "EUGridPMA" (not 19) and the password was sent to 
the IGTF and EUGridPMA lists on Sunday.
You can join by phone as well: call +31 20 716 5293, choose "2"
from the menu, and then        ID: 1827567,  pin 5575.
The pin code was sent to the list also 

You can also join via H323 -- as long as the bridge works. 
To connect via H323 and the Global Dialling system
* dial 0031800198002

To connect via H323 over IP directly
* dial hdmcu1.surfnet.nl (
* enter the conference number: 98002 and confirm with "#"

There is no PIN needed to enter the conference.

To connect via telephone to the H323 only:
* dial +31 20 716 5293
* choose menu option "3"
* choose the conference number 98002 and confirm with "#"

Related material

Comments to
David Groep.